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Insurance Youth - Creating the Leaders of Tomorrow
| Issue.02 |
Insurance Youth is proud to present to you the second issue of our newsletter.  In this issue, you will find recent developments within the Program, news from the insurance industry as well as our candidate stories.

Insurance Youth in the News!

Insurance Youth was featured as one good example of how companies benefited from hiring interns in the recent publication, Technology Times, by the Eastern Technology Council.
"Think you might experiment with Interns? Companies that have done it say the key to success is to make the internship experience meaningful".  View the whole article.

Insurance Youth in Feburary

As a young organization, we were proud to be featured in the leading publication, Technology Times, as a good example of an organization that helps insurance companies identify talent and acquire it.  Following that, we were in the dialog with insurance carriers regarding summer internship positions and preparing for a business case competition, INStrategy, in June.

For Students
"What color is your parachute?"  This complete career guide and job hunting tool is the best-selling job-hunting book in the world.  The author, Richard N.Bolles, is recognized as the most widely read and influential leader in the whole career planning field (U.S. Law Placement Assn.) and as the one responsible for the renaissance of the career counseling profession in the U.S. (Money Magazine).  The book serves as a perfect self-analyzing tool as well as a casual reading.  Read More

For Carriers
How to manage your interns more effectively?  What are the other interns doing in your industry? Gain some insights from Intern Management 101.  Read More
Insurance Youth is now accepting internship job descriptions! We have the right candidates, right resources just for you!  Why Insurance Youth?  Just send us an email.  We will have our candidate resumes handy for you.  Send me an email

For Schools
Recently, Dartmouth proposes to offer a scholarship to allow financial aid recipients to take advantage of research or internship opportunities in their junior year.  Is college internship really benefitting all the students equally?  Anthony Paletta raised this question and provided his insights. Read More

Insurance Youth is a non-profit organization aiming to develop youth into the leaders of tomorrow.
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